Dog Training

Avoid a Tragedy – Socialize your Dog!

By |Dog Training|

By Brenna Fender Recently, I watched a dog running through traffic on Bruce B. Downs Boulevard. Several people were trying to catch the little terrier, who was more terrified of them than of the whizzing cars. He probably would have been better off left to navigate the road on his own so he could concentrate on the cars rather than worry about the people. While [...]

What Does it Take to Become Responsible Dog Owner?

By |Dog Training|

By Brenna Fender If you are reading this, you probably consider yourself a responsible dog . You feed your dog good food, provide clean water and shelter, and take him for regular veterinary check-ups. You give him baths, attention, and exercise. You may have even attended dog training classes to help teach your dog how to behave nicely. Those things are all important aspects of [...]

Bait Dog to Pet Dog

By |Dog News, Dog Training|

by Catherine Clark He is tall, dark and handsome. His name is Jacob. And he is 5 ½ year old black Labrador retriever. Jacob was my fourth foster through Labrador Retriever Rescue of Florida (LRRoF). He was just over a year old when i began fostering him. One of my first duties as per the rescue organization was to take Jacob to see Angelica Steinker [...]

Teaching Spin

By |Dog Training|

By Brenna Fender Teaching your dog to spin is easy, fun, and useful! This trick can be used to help stretch your dog out before activity, to build coordination, and to teach your dog lefts and rights for dog sports. Make sure your dog knows that you have a yummy treat in your hand.   Start by having some very small treats that [...]

The Four Courteous Canine Learning Games

By |Dog Training|

Our four learning games: Shaping Prompting Capturing Observational Learning So how do each of these learning games work using a 'clicker'? Shaping - Shaping is the process of training your dog by rewarding a very small part of the end behavior. Gradually, over time, you will require more of the behavior from your dog until you have 'shaped' the goal behavior. For example, if you [...]

Homemade Agility

By |Agility, Dog Sports, Dog Training|

By Brenna Fender Before you could buy agility equipment online, and even before plans for making agility equipment became available, people practiced agility for fun in their backyards, and you can too! As long as you keep safety in mind, you can keep your dog active, help him get in shape, challenge his mind, have fun, and do a little training all at home without [...]

Screw-Up Cookies

By |Dog Training|

By Brenna FenderNo dog trainer is perfect. When training simple behaviors, you might most often get your cues, lures, clicks, and rewards right, but when the tasks get complicated, there is more room for error. One or two mistakes might not bother your dog, but multiple mistakes might. Some dogs are very sensitive to their handlers and might get upset if you are frustrated by [...]

Teach Your Dog to Peek!

By |Dog Training|

By Brenna Fender “Peek” is a cute behavior that’s easy to teach and handy to use as a fun trick or helpful move in various dog sports. It works like this: a handler stands with his or her legs wide enough apart for the dog to move through. The dog can be left in a sit for the handler to walk in front of him [...]

Tampa Dog Trainer Brenna Fender: New Trainer and New Class at Courteous Canine, Inc.!

By |Blog, Dog Training, Pet Therapy|

New Trainer and New Class at Courteous Canine, Inc.! By Brenna Fender Did you ever see a dog do some really cool tricks and think, “Wow, I’d love my dog to be able to do that”? Do you just know that your dog could do amazing tricks if you just knew how to teach him? Courteous Canine DogSmith of Tampa can help you do just that! Certified [...]

Tampa Dog Trainer Brenna Fender: The ABCs of Tracking and Other Games

By |Dog Training|

Tampa Dog Trainer Brenna Fender The ABCs of Tracking and Other Games By Brenna Fender American Kennel Club (AKC) is probably the most well-known organization in the United States to sanction tracking. You can read the AKC tracking regulations and get other info at Beginning tracking dogs learn on short, straight tracks with their handlers close by. Cross-tracks are found in some tracking tests [...]

Tampa Dog Trainer: Dog Travel Safety

By |Agility, Blog, Dock Jumping, Dog Health and Safety, Dog News, Dog Training, Pet Therapy|

Dog Travel Safety is an important concern Tampa Dog Trainer: Dog Travel Safety By Brenna Fender Dog s often travel with their pets to competitions, on vacation, or just about town while on errands, but they may not realize that the way they travel can mean the difference between life and death. Do you drive with Fido loose in the back seat or [...]

Dog training founded on science and fun, offered as group classes

dog manners training in tampa by courteous canine

Dog Manners classes include common manners and obedience cues

Private Dog Training is for simple training issues such as manners, obedience and more


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