We would love to train with you and your dog! Please sign up as a new or existing customer and a Customer Service representative will contact you shortly. To request services, new clients should click “New Client.” Existing clients can email LoveDogs@CourteousCanine.com to request, change, or cancel a booking.

Dog Board and Train

Leave the care and training to us!

Courteous Canine Board and Train program provides a fun daily routine of quality training, exercise, enrichment, and care in the comfort of our professional dog trainers’ homes.

This training program is customized to your dog and your training goals. Instead of your dog staying in a traditional kennel environment, your dog will stay in the comfort of a home with their trainer. They will participate in a structured training program that involves approximately 3 hours of training daily.

Dogs are provided with opportunities to relax, nap, and enjoy enrichment throughout the day. Potty breaks may be more frequent for puppies participating in house training.

7 night minimum.

Existing clients can email LoveDogs@CourteousCanine.com to request, change, or cancel a booking.

Board and Train is Fun for Your Dog

  • Board and train services are available to provide quality basic manners training, leash training, and house training services. This program is ideal for young puppies or adult dogs who are friendly and confident with people and other animals.
  • For dogs who demonstrate fearful, anxious, destructive, or reactive behaviors, dog behavior consultation services on our campus or in your home are recommended for your dog’s comfort and success.

  • This training program is customized to your dog and your training goals. Instead of your dog staying in a traditional kennel environment, your dog will stay in the comfort of a home with their trainer.

  • The fee for this service is outlined below in the pricing table. Note, additional fees may apply for pickup after 12pm at the end of stay. We offer one free 30-minute meet-and-greet on-campus at the school or virtually, which you can complete before booking. 7 night minimum.

  • Puppies should be at least 14 weeks of age to enroll in this program. Please contact us if your puppy is younger than 14 weeks for consideration.

  • At Courteous Canine, we practice force free, positive dog training methods. We will never suggest or use prong, choke, or shock collars. These tools are not permitted in our programs.


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Board & Train Pricing

Ready to sign up for pet sitting? New users must fill out the form before booking. Existing clients can email LoveDogs@CourteousCanine.com to request, change, or cancel a booking.

Description Price Register
Overnight Boarding in the Trainer’s Home Rate covers a 24 hour period. * This is a service with limited availability. Please inquire early to make it possible for us to accommodate you. Existing clients must email LoveDogs@CourteousCanine.com to request, change, or cancel a booking. $160.00 New Clients Only
Board and Train in Trainer’s Home This training program is customized to your dog and your training goals. Instead of your dog staying in a traditional kennel environment, your dog will stay in the comfort of a home with their trainer. They will participate in a structured training program that involves approximately 3 hours of training each day. Existing clients must email LoveDogs@CourteousCanine.com to request, change, or cancel a booking. $200/night (7 night minimum) New Clients Only
Early Dropoff Drop off before noon on dropoff day. $100.00
Late Pickup Pick up after noon on pickup day. $100.00

Yesmin and Brooke are awesome. Sucherin loves them both. She learned so much with Yesmin during her board and stay – it has helped me and her both work better together. Brooke does a great job keeping the chaos under control at the socialization events. Sucherin and I will be spending a lot of time with you taking classes over the next many years. Thank you


…her visits to CC for board and train have also been outstanding. The care given to our girl is the best we have experienced, as she gets to interact with other dogs her age/size as well as interact with humans. We always smile when we get photos/videos of her playing because we know she is happy. I highly recommend Courteous Canine, as we have had nothing but the best of training and care. They literally work miracles!

Deborah Clark, Google

We have had a wonderful experience with our pet sitters. They were wonderful with our dog who had cage aggression so we could not board her. They always take good care of our pets and send us updates.

Lynne Libertore