Lure chasing for dogs, everyone has a blast!

Dog lure coursing is a humane sport that makes use of a lure—usually a plastic bag, that is pulled by a motor around a course of pulleys. The dogs chase the “lure” and have a blast doing it.

We will allow dogs that know each other well and are friends from the same household to course together. We use plastic pulleys for added safety. Lap dogs are often passed over for dog sports but Cavalier Sammy and Papillion Bella beg to differ, both dogs are thoroughly enjoying trying to “get it.”

The American Kennel Club (AKC) offers dog lure coursing for all breeds of dogs including mixed breeds. To learn more about the AKC program visit:  AKC offers a titling program for lure coursing dogs.

The United Kennel Club (UKC) also offers a dog lure coursing program that includes titles. Some unusual breeds are registered by UKC enabling them to earn titles for lure coursing.

There are many groups forming across the United States for the lure coursing addicted and Courteous Canine, Inc. is open to hosting competitions, club practice sessions or providing demonstrations.

Lure coursing is a humane sport that makes use of a lure—usually a plastic bag, that is pulled by a motor around a course of pulleys. The dogs chase the “lure” and have a blast doing it.

We will allow dogs that know each other well and are friends from the same household to course together. Courteous Canine, Inc. uses plastic pulleys for added safety. Lap dogs are often passed over for dog sports but Cavalier Sammy and Papillion Bella beg to differ, both dogs are thoroughly enjoying trying to “get it.”

The American Kennel Club (AKC) offers lure coursing for all breeds of dogs including mixed breeds. To learn more about the AKC program visit:  AKC offers a titling program for lure coursing dogs.

The United Kennel Club (UKC) also offers a lure coursing program that includes titles. Some unusual breeds are registered by UKC enabling them to earn titles for lure coursing.

There are many groups forming across the United States for the lure coursing addicted and Courteous Canine, Inc. is open to hosting competitions, club practice sessions or providing demonstrations.


Watch this video of Bella, Buzz, and Zoe Lure Coursing

Introduction to Lure Coursing Group Class

Introduction to Lure Coursing is ideal for dogs that have never lure coursed before or who are needing more exposure to get optimally addicted. This one-time class lasts 90-minutes and is limited to 8 dogs.

We recommend that you have your dog checked by a vet and cleared for lure coursing as it is a high speed activity.

Was interested in trying out the lure training and ended up speaking to a young lady named Melissa. Very insightful and welcoming environment


J Tyler Odle, Google
We took our young Italian greyhound for lure coursing. He had a great time. We will definitely go again.


Jill P, Google
My dogs love Courteous Canine! Ziggy enjoys Lure Coursing and the Tricks class with Lisa, and my puppy Sky is learning so much in Puppy Class.


Melissa Fox, Google

My dog loves the lure coursing. Courteous Canine, Inc. does a great job and we have a blast every time we go.

Ellinor S.
Went to a Fun Lure Course class and was very happy. The field and set up were great. Freshly mowed soft grass and no turns less than 90 degrees. I will be back.


Karen April, Google

We have a great Aussie Mini who loves CC. He’s a natural on the lure course and can’t get enough of it. The staff are excellent and they assure all the dogs get a chance on the course. We’re going to get him into the agility program and see how he likes it.

Spike Spikester, Google
I took my fur baby, Kayli, to lure chasing. She was more interested in running to see the other dogs than to chase the lure. She caused some of the other dogs to become upset. Angelica the instructor was awesome, she made me feel comfortable and welcome. I have been to other training facilities that make you feel very unwelcome. But, Angelica went above and beyond to make Kayli’s experience a positive one. She stayed after class to give Kayli a chance. I love Courteous Canine. I am now taking another one of my pups to the tricks class. Awesome place!


Phyllis Marconi, Google

Private Training Lure Coursing

Lure Coursing Private Training is ideal for dogs that are either experienced or learning how to lure course consistently following the lure or actively competing.

We recommend that you have your dog checked by a vet and cleared for lure coursing as it is a high speed activity.


Prior to Lure Coursing please obtain permission from your vet that your dog is healthy and fit enough to play. Lure coursing is a highly intense activity. If your dog has a history of liver or kidney damage, or has a history of heat stroke, exhaustion, or any other serious medical condition, do *not* lure course your dog!

Dogs that have pushed-in faces may *not* be suitable for Lure Coursing, please check with your vet and recommend you book Lure Coursing early in the morning.

*All dogs* need to walk the course prior to chasing the lure, ensuring that dogs and s see the set up and the location of trees, fencing and the Lure Boxes.

Please look for signs of heat exhaustion, heat stroke, and dehydration at all times. Labored breathing, staggering, vomiting and runny stools can all be symptoms of a dog that is overheating. Dogs with a history of overheating during intense activity should *not* lure course. If your dog is possibly overheating please note the time of the onset, the vet will need this information!

More signs of overheating are: “feverish” feeling in armpit and inner thigh areas, sticky gums, excessive drooling, bleeding gums, excessive panting, a white tongue, a change in body shape to accommodate heavy panting, wobbly legs, collapse, delirium, vomiting, any unusual behavior. If you observe any of these signs in any of the dogs please immediately notify your instructor!

We recommend that parents monitor their dog’s respiration rate and body temperature as instructed by their vet. A body temperature of more than 102-degrees for large or medium dogs is commonly thought to be unsafe and requires medical attention small dogs usually have higher baseline body temperatures. Know what your dog’s normal body temperature is so you can identify overheating.

Please immediately report to your instructor any dog that you think maybe getting too hot, including your classmates’ dogs.

If your dog gets overstimulated while watching Lure Coursing, please ask your instructor to provide you with a zen panel, this will block your dog’s vision and may help you keep them calmer.

Immediately report to the instructor if your dog or any dog is *not* drinking water. Dogs drinking water is essential to providing a safe lure coursing experience.

Puppy pools and hoses are located in various places at our facility. Please ask your instructor to show you where they are located. We can provide cool wet towels if needed.

Thank you for helping us keep your dog’s Lure Course experience fun and safe!

Dog Training Group Classes

Dog Training Group Classes Description Price Register
Intro to Agility – Jumps, Tunnels, Chutes Intro to Agility – 6-weeks Intro to Agility: Jumps, Tunnels and Chute Group Class $175 Class Schedule & Registration
Intro to Agility – Contacts and Weaves Intro to Agility – 6-weeks Intro to Agility: Contacts and Weaves Group Class $175 Class Schedule & Registration
Intermediate/Advanced Agility Intermediate/Advanced Agility: 6 weeks intermediate/advanced agility Group Class. $175 Class Schedule & Registration
6-Week Rally O Novice 6 weeks Rally O Novice $198 Class Schedule & Registration
Really Reliable Coming When Called One time 90-minute group class of fun games for successful coming when called $39 Class Schedule & Registration
Dog Swimming 101: Puppy Pool Safety One  time 90-minute Intro to swimming $35 Class Schedule & Registration
Pool Tricks for Dogs! One-time 90-minute class that provides your dog the opportunity to learn simple fun pool tricks! $35 Class Schedule & Registration
Intro to Dock Jumping One  time 90-minute Intro to Dock Jumping. $35 Class Schedule & Registration
Intermediate/Advanced Dock Jumping Practice 1.5 hour group practice session $35 Class Schedule & Registration
Dock Jumping Dry Land Games 90-Minute group class makes use of games outside of the pool to teach dogs foundation training for dog dock jumping. It is recommended to take this class multiple times for optimum results. $35 Class Schedule & Registration
Intro to Fun Scent Games 6-weeks Intro to Fun Scent Games Group Class. $198 Class Schedule & Registration
Low Stress Handling and Vet Visits  One time 90-minute group happy vet visit class. $39 Class Schedule & Registration
Lure Coursing  One time 90-minute group mini fast cat session. $40 Class Schedule & Registration
AKC Canine Good Citizen & Pet Therapy Prep Part I 8-Weeks; requires an access code to complete registration $264 Class Schedule & Registration
AKC Advanced Canine Good Citizen & Pet Therapy Prep Part 2 8-Weeks; requires an access code to complete registration $264 Class Schedule & Registration
My Dog has Issues 6-weeks My Dog has Issues for Reactive Dogs Group Class. Requires private Behavior Consult first. $249 Class Schedule & Registration
Next Level Dog Obedience Fun Games Group Class 60-minute group class that takes place over the course of six weeks which is for dog-and-human-friendly dogs that need to take their obedience and manners to the next level. $198 Class Schedule & Registration
AKC Star Puppy Classes 6 session enroll and go STAR puppy kindergarten. $198 Class Schedule & Registration
Basic Manners 6 session enroll and go program for basic manners $198 Class Schedule & Registration
Intro to Trick Training 6 weeks of classes and the final week is testing for Trick Training Tilting! Come join for tilting, FUN, mental stimulation, warm-up and make people smile!
$198 Class Schedule & Registration
Trick Training – Movement and Tricks to Music 6 weeks of classes creating Routines and Dog Dancing! $198 Class Schedule & Registration
Snake Identification and Safety Workshop for Humans Join us for this one-time class on July 29, 2023 to learn how to avoid being bitten by snakes by learning about snake safety and snake identification of venomous Florida snakes along with harmless snakes. $39 Class Schedule & Registration
Dog Training Rain Policy


For private training and group instruction that is held outdoors, we will make every attempt to contact students at least two hours before if we are canceling class. Classes are held during light rain, if there is lightning classes are cancelled. If you see lightning during your class, please let your instructor know immediately.

If you don’t hear from your instructor, your class will occur as scheduled.

courteous canine vaccines icon


To participate in class, your dog must have received:

  • Distemper/Parvo (core combination)
  • Leptospirosis
  • Rabies
  • Bordetella
  • Canine Influenza

If your dog is not eligible for these vaccines, we will also accept a letter of exemption from your veterinarian due to your dog’s age or medical status.


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